reading time: 2 min.

7,312 Drivers Reported for Using Mobile Phones While Driving Since New Year

7,312 Drivers Reported for Using Mobile Phones While Driving Since New Year

The police have reported that 7,312 drivers have been cited for using mobile phones while driving from the beginning of the year until May 26. Reminding the public of the ban on using mobile phones while driving, the Police General Directorate highlighted the importance of adhering to traffic regulations.

Publish Date: 28/05/24 13:43
reading time: 2 min.
7,312 Drivers Reported for Using Mobile Phones While Driving Since New Year
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In a statement released by the Police General Directorate, it was noted that routine traffic checks have revealed numerous traffic violations by drivers, with the results of these checks shared with the public.

Between April 15 and May 19, the police focused on monitoring traffic light violations, speeding, and the use of mobile phones while driving. Additionally, from May 20 to May 26, there was an increased emphasis on cracking down on drivers using mobile phones. During this period alone, 1,051 drivers were reported for this offense.

The statement detailed that a total of 7,312 drivers were reported for using mobile phones while driving from January 1 to May 26. It emphasized, “We would like to remind our drivers that the ban on using mobile phones while driving includes not only holding the phone to make a call but also using speakerphone, headphones, or Bluetooth devices, as well as texting, watching videos, or any similar activities. The primary reason for this ban is that a driver using a mobile phone is significantly distracted by their phone activity or conversation, leading them to miss nearly a third of the road hazards and warning signs, which makes traffic accidents inevitable.”

The police reaffirmed that traffic checks will continue across all areas and urged all drivers to adhere to traffic rules to help prevent accidents.

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