reading time: 3 min.

Mustafa Naimoğulları: "We Must Find a Solution by Establishing a Dialogue"

Mustafa Naimoğulları: "We Must Find a Solution by Establishing a Dialogue"

Mustafa Naimoğulları, the President of the Union of Animal Producers and Breeders, stated in his remarks regarding the ongoing protest in front of the Prime Ministry, "At this point, it will become clear where this process will lead today or tomorrow. The market environment is tense. We are not drawing swords. We must find a solution by establishing a dialogue."

Publish Date: 28/05/24 14:21
reading time: 3 min.
Mustafa Naimoğulları: "We Must Find a Solution by Establishing a Dialogue"
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The protest organized by the Union of Animal Producers and Breeders in Nicosia to protest the government's livestock policies continues on its ninth day.

Naimoğulları, speaking to the press in front of the Prime Ministry, stated, "We will see the process together. Everything will be clear in 3-5 hours. There may or may not be a meeting. The protest continues."

Expressing that they learned that meat will be imported from New Zealand, Naimoğulları said they decided to suspend the sale of live animals for a month.

Naimoğulları, who claimed that the Prime Minister's statements were "inflammatory," stated that they made a decision in this process and that they are considering opening meat retail outlets in many regions.

"We thought, 'Can we sell the animals we produce ourselves?' Many butchers called. They said they would experience great difficulty in this process," Naimoğulları said.

Stating that they are always in favor of dialogue, Naimoğulları said, "At this point, it will become clear where this process will lead today or tomorrow. The market environment is tense. We are not drawing swords. We must find a solution by establishing a dialogue."

Saying "There's no turning back, only forward," Naimoğulları noted that the protest process continues.

"Our people who want sacrificial animals can buy a calf or a lamb from a livestock breeder. We will not victimize anyone in this regard. We will see today's process. There may or may not be a meeting," Naimoğulları continued.

Criticizing the Minister of Agriculture, Naimoğulları claimed that attempts are being made to create perception and divide livestock breeders.

Stating that they are constantly in consultation with unions, Naimoğulları said they have received some information. "I don't reach a conclusion based on rumors. We will see the process together. Everything will be clear in 3-5 hours," he said.

"You should embrace the livestock breeder. What is this hostility?" said Naimoğulları, reiterating the call for dialogue.

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