reading time: 2 min.

New Development in the İsias Hotel Case: Investigation Initiated Against Municipal Officials

New Development in the İsias Hotel Case: Investigation Initiated Against Municipal Officials

The Adıyaman Provincial Administrative Board has decided to initiate an investigation against municipal officials at Adıyaman Municipality in the İsias Hotel case.

Publish Date: 28/05/24 15:20
reading time: 2 min.
New Development in the İsias Hotel Case: Investigation Initiated Against Municipal Officials
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A new development occurred in the Grand İsias Hotel case, where 72 people, including Champion Angels, lost their lives in the earthquakes in Turkey on February 6. Permission was granted to initiate an investigation against municipal officials at Adıyaman Municipality.

Municipal officials had been separated from the case file.

According to the reasoned decision issued by the Adıyaman Provincial Administrative Board, it was stated that structural defects and deficiencies in reinforcements may have led to the collapse of the building, and it was concluded that the supervisory duty was not fulfilled.

In this context, it was decided to grant permission to initiate an investigation against four individuals, namely the Technical Officer of the Permit Office, the Chief of the Permit Office, the Director of Urban Planning, and the Deputy Mayors of Adıyaman Municipality, who had signatures on the building permit and whose responsibilities were identified during the relevant periods.

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