reading time: 2 min.

PM Üstel: "The Imported Meat Will Meet EU Standards; It's the Meat from the South That's Uncertain"

PM Üstel: "The Imported Meat Will Meet EU Standards; It's the Meat from the South That's Uncertain"

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel emphasized that the incoming imported meat will meet European Union standards, stating, "The uncertain meat is actually the one coming from the South. Our concern is to ensure that our people eat 'quality and affordable meat.'"

Publish Date: 29/05/24 13:44
reading time: 2 min.
PM Üstel: "The Imported Meat Will Meet EU Standards; It's the Meat from the South That's Uncertain"
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Prime Minister Üstel highlighted that the most common complaint from the public is the strain on their purchasing power, noting that the population has increased and, consequently, production and consumption do not match.

Recalling the shortage of lamb meat in May, Prime Minister Üstel stated that the government sought solutions due to this issue. Despite inspections, meat prices continued to rise, prompting the government to hold meetings with all parties. Üstel emphasized that unlike in the past, there are no longer delays in payments for government projects.

Speaking on the 'Burası Önemli' program on BRT, Prime Minister Üstel mentioned that the government decided to cover the difference between the price demanded by animal producers and the base price requested by butchers. However, some butchers set high prices, were inspected, and fined.

After the number of people bringing meat from Southern Cyprus increased, the government decided to import meat to provide affordable meat to the public. This decision led to protests by animal producers. Stressing that damaging public property is not a strike, Üstel said, "If you want to seek your rights, we can sit down and talk, but if you try to seek your rights by breaking doors with tractors, that is not a right."

Underscoring their determination to provide people with quality and affordable meat, Üstel stated, "Our people are buying uncertain meat from Southern Cyprus. We are bringing meat that meets European Union standards."

Thanking the police force for their patience, Prime Minister Üstel concluded, "Those opposing us are our brothers, our producers. We have never avoided dialogue. But breaking doors will not solve this issue."

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