reading time: 2 min.

Animal Producers React to Their Union's Decision: "We Cannot Bear the Costs, We Will Continue Selling"

Animal Producers React to Their Union's Decision: "We Cannot Bear the Costs, We Will Continue Selling"

Animal producers contacted by Kıbrıs Postası have strongly reacted to their union's decision to halt live animal sales for a month. Within the Union of Animal Producers and Breeders, there have been objections to this decision.

Publish Date: 29/05/24 13:47
reading time: 2 min.
Animal Producers React to Their Union's Decision: "We Cannot Bear the Costs, We Will Continue Selling"
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Speaking to Kıbrıs Postası, the producers stated that it is impossible for them to bear the costs of not selling their animals during this period. They also mentioned that the decision was made without consulting them and announced that they would continue selling live animals at 250 TL.

The producers emphasized that despite government intervention, longstanding disputes continue. They noted that livestock producers and butchers engage in complementary trade and that disrupting this cooperation harms both the public and the industry. The producers underscored the importance of approaching the issue from multiple perspectives, stating that livestock producers, butchers, and the public need to come together and act in unison.

Declaring that they will not comply with their union's decision, the producers also criticized Mustafa Naimoğulları’s call for dialogue, stating that dialogue should have taken place before the protest. They pointed out that the approach taken during this process was contrary to this and deemed it inappropriate. The producers, who preferred to remain anonymous, said they would not avoid cooperating with butchers and would act responsibly.

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