reading time: 3 min.

Hüseyin Çavuş: 20 Tons and 881 Kilograms of Meat to Arrive This Week

Hüseyin Çavuş: 20 Tons and 881 Kilograms of Meat to Arrive This Week

Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources Hüseyin Çavuş announced, following a meeting with livestock producers, that "20 tons and 881 kilograms of meat will arrive in our country this week."

Publish Date: 29/05/24 14:05
reading time: 3 min.
Hüseyin Çavuş: 20 Tons and 881 Kilograms of Meat to Arrive This Week
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Despite the discussions, no agreement was reached between the Livestock Producers and Breeders Association and government officials. The association will continue its protests, which have been ongoing for nine days.

Representatives of the Livestock Producers and Breeders Association, protesting the government's livestock policies, met with government officials at the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources meeting room at around 4:00 PM. The meeting included Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources Hüseyin Çavuş, Minister of Economy and Energy Olgun Amcaoğlu, and Minister of Finance Özdemir Berova. The meeting lasted 3 hours and 10 minutes, during which the ministers held private discussions three times.

Following the meeting, Minister Hüseyin Çavuş held a press conference in the ministry's meeting room, accompanied by Ministers Olgun Amcaoğlu and Özdemir Berova. Çavuş stated that they had negotiated with the Livestock Producers and Breeders Association with goodwill before and during the protests, and maintained the same approach in today's meeting.

While they approached an agreement on two points regarding meat importation, no consensus was reached on other issues. Çavuş emphasized that their "doors are open" and they are ready to negotiate further to reach an agreement.

Minister Çavuş reiterated the government's determination to import meat and denied claims that the meat was intended for hotels, stating that the aim is to make meat accessible to low-income families.


"We will make three shipments this week, bringing in 20 tons and 881 kilograms of meat. Subsequent quantities will be evaluated based on need," said Çavuş. He confirmed that the meat arriving from the Netherlands is of European origin and stressed the importance of sourcing meat from disease-free countries. He also noted that the imported meat will be available in stores next week, with the requirement that the stores have -18 degree freezers and generators.

Minister Çavuş highlighted that the government has a producer-friendly policy and claimed, "We are the government that has conducted the most inspections among all previous governments," sharing some details about the inspections.

He added that the government's price control policy will continue until June 19.

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