reading time: 2 min.

Tatar and Adem Somyürek Discuss Cyprus Issue

Tatar and Adem Somyürek Discuss Cyprus Issue

President Ersin Tatar met with Victoria Parliament Member Adem Somyürek to discuss bilateral relations between the TRNC and Australia, the Cyprus issue, and how to enhance economic and travel services between the two countries. As part of his visit to Melbourne, President Ersin Tatar held talks with Victoria Parliament Member Adem Somyürek at the Victoria Parliament.

Publish Date: 29/05/24 14:17
reading time: 2 min.
Tatar and Adem Somyürek Discuss Cyprus Issue
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According to the Presidency's statement, the meeting covered bilateral relations between the TRNC and Australia, the Cyprus issue, and ways to improve economic and travel services between the two countries.

President Tatar emphasized that he was in Australia to celebrate the 80th anniversary of Turkish Cypriots and to promote their culture and traditions through festivals, events, and various engagements. He described his visit to Australia as historic and expressed pride in the achievements of Turkish Cypriots living in the country, stating that multicultural Australia adds cultural richness to its social fabric.

President Tatar noted that they have put forward a new vision for the solution of the Cyprus issue based on the acceptance of sovereign equality and equal international status.

Somyürek served as the Minister of Local Government and Small Business between December 2018 and 2020.

During the meeting, President Tatar was accompanied by Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Işıksal, Special Advisor on International Relations and Diplomacy, and Kerem Haser, Foreign Press Officer.

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